KetoU Pocket Sandwich

Author: Chef (HCP)

 g KetoCal Dough (User-Added*)
 g Turkey Breast - Smoked, fat free - Oscar Mayer
 g Cheese, Kraft Cheddar (mild,medium,sharp)
 g Mayonnaise, Hellmann's/Best Foods
 g Mustard, yellow (condiment)


Make batch recipe for KetoCal Dough.• Weigh out ingredients. 

• Roll dough between sheets of parchment paper to a small square.
• Place turkey and cheese in the middle of rolled out dough.
• Fold dough over the meat and cheese to create a rectangle.
• Seal the edges by either folding over or pressing with the tines of a fork. 
    (make sure to seal the edges well or cheese will leak out)
• Poke a few holes on the top of the dough to vent the dough.
• Bake in 350˚ F oven for 15-20 minutes until the dough is golden brown. 
• Allow to cool before serving.
Combine mayonnaise and mustard in a small bowl.
Mix together. Serve with pocket sandwich.

Additional mayonnaise can be added to the recipe to increase the ketogenic ratio. You could also add a high-fat drink, such as heavy cream or KetoCal 4:1. Makes 2 pocket sandwiches

Nutrition Information (for entire recipe):

Carbohydrate: 2.92g
Calories: 307
Fat: 27.98g
Protein: 11.12g
Ratio: 1.99:1


LunchSnackDinnerSavory2:1 ratioKetoCal 3:1 Powder  

*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use

Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.