Egg White Cheese Omelette

Author: Samra (Caregiver)

 g Egg Whites-All Whites100% Liq eg -Crystal F
 g Cheese, Parmesan Grated (100%)
 g Butter


Melt the butter over medium low heat in a frying pan.  Add the liquid egg whites and sprinkle the cheese onto the top of the egg whites while cooking.  Serve.

Nutrition Information (for entire recipe):

Carbohydrate: 4.43g
Calories: 329
Fat: 20.99g
Protein: 30.6g
Ratio: 0.6:1



*User-added Ingredients: Terms of Use

Nutritional values for specific foods may change periodically, so please be sure to verify the nutritional values of the ingredients in these recipes by reading the food labels and/or contacting the manufacturers.